Reef-World reminds travellers how they can minimise their environmental impact

The Reef-World Foundation – the international coordinator of the UN Environment Programme's Green Fins initiative – is reminding travellers of the huge environmental impact their actions can have on holiday. With the Covid-19 pandemic giving travellers around the world the opportunity to pause and think about the benefits of mindful and sustainable travel, the charity is calling for people to protect coral reefs – when they do return to the ocean – by following a few simple guidelines.

Chloe Harvey, Director at The Reef-World Foundation, said: “Currently an estimated one million new scuba divers are certified each year with millions more snorkelling worldwide on coral reefs. The survival of the marine tourism industry depends on healthy coral reefs with lots of marine life and, as guardians of the fragile underwater world, snorkellers and scuba divers have a part to play. That’s why we’re asking any travellers who visit the ocean to reduce their negative impact on coral reefs by following a few simple guidelines, as outlined by the Green Fins Code of Conduct.

“While irresponsible tourism can pose a threat to corals, well-managed tourism can provide many benefits, including economic opportunities for local communities that rely on coral reefs,” she continued. “By acting as responsible travellers each of us can help reduce the pressures tourism puts on corals and other sensitive marine ecosystems; thus making reefs healthier and more resilient to other global stressors.”

Reef-World is working to make sustainable diving the social norm through Green Fins; an initiative it runs in partnership with UN Environment Programme (UNEP) to help dive and snorkel operators become more sustainable; as well as educating travellers about best environmental practice. The initiative also provides the only internationally recognised environmental standards for snorkelling and scuba diving and enables policy makers to identify areas of high environmental risk within the industry. This means they can work with business owners to find a suitable solution to local threats.

Gabriel Grimsditch, UNEP’s marine ecosystems expert, said: “Reef-World's global implementation of the Green Fins initiative for sustainable diving and snorkelling has been proven to reduce the negative impact on coral reefs in the local areas the initiative is active. This, in turn, helps increase coral reefs' resilience to larger global threats, such as the effects of climate change. Coral reefs are hugely valuable in terms of marine biodiversity, harbouring at least a quarter of all marine species and providing support to the livelihoods of hundreds of millions of people around the world. So, protecting them from the impacts of a burgeoning tourism industry is vital to the health of our oceans. Tourists can also have a tangible impact on the marine biodiversity hotspots they visit by always following the Green Fins guidelines for best practice. Together, we can all take positive actions that will protect our coral reefs, keeping them healthy and thriving for years to come.”

By following these simple guidelines when scuba diving or snorkelling, you can be sure you’re protecting the beautiful underwater ecosystems you visit:

  • Don’t step on coral: Divers and snorkellers can easily break coral with their feet or fins. This can cause injury and kill coral reefs

  • Don’t touch or chase marine life: This can lead to stressed and scared animals that will swim away, leaving nothing for guests to see. Sharks species, in particular, should be left alone as our presence can influence and disrupt their natural behaviour 

  • Don’t stir the sediment: Careless divers and swimmers who stir up the sand can cause damage, smother coral animals, and spread disease on reefs

  • Do not buy souvenirs of shell, coral or other marine life: This encourages people to take marine life from the ocean, removing the beautiful creatures that play a vital role in the ocean life cycle. The shells are often from marine snails that are now extremely rare due to this trade.

  • Do not take marine life – dead or alive: Removing species that would normally break down and be recycled into the sea leaves other animals without nutrients and elements they need for growth. Even empty shells on the beach play an important role in the wider ecosystem. Take nothing but pictures, leave nothing but bubbles.

  • Don’t litter: Throwing trash in the ocean kills marine life, poisons seafood and can cause injury – minimise your use of single-use plastics and recycle or dispose of your litter properly. You can also pick up any litter you see in the ocean or on the beach

  • Don’t wear gloves: Gloves can encourage people to touch things underwater, which could cause fatal injury and damage marine life. In Egypt, the use of gloves is not permitted

  • Don’t feed the fish: This can make fish sick or aggressive, especially with sharks, causing them to attack and injure humans. Fed fish are also more likely to leave their nests empty and vulnerable to predators

  • Dispose of litter responsibly: Throwing trash in the ocean kills marine life, poisons seafood and can injure people. Encourage recycling and proper disposal

  • Wear reef-safe sunscreen: Some chemical components in sunscreen – including Oxybenzone and Octinoxate - may have a negative impact on coral reefs. Help protect coral from harmful chemicals by using alternatives which are reef-safe and covering up with clothing when in strong sunshine.

  • Report environmental violations: If you see any destructive practices or violations of environmental laws, tell your dive guide, dive operator or government officials. By informing key authorities, you are being part of the solution as your actions can lead to appropriate action.

  • Participate in conservation projects: By taking part in conservation projects, you can have a positive effect on the environment and help educate others.

The Reef-World Foundation is also supporting the UN Environment Programme’s Glowing campaign, which aims to inspire the policy and funding necessary to save coral reefs through a global show of popular support. For more information visit

If you’re interested in supporting The Reef-World Foundation in its work to protect coral reefs around the world through the Green Fins initiative, consider donating now. To keep up with our latest news and developments, please follow Reef-World on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.

Dive and snorkel operators interested in signing up to Green Fins can find the membership application form at:

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