Green Fins is now available to everyone, everywhere! The new Green Fins Hub offers enhanced and global membership for participating dive and snorkel operators to conserve the marine environment.
Updates from the Reef-World team
Green Fins is now available to everyone, everywhere! The new Green Fins Hub offers enhanced and global membership for participating dive and snorkel operators to conserve the marine environment.
As we emerge from a 2-year hiatus from travel, is sustainability still on the agenda? Reef-World asked over 2,400 divers and the answer was crystal clear, with a few surprises along the way!
Team profile: Meet Erin, Reef-World’s new Digital Community Officer.
Switching out just one of them may not have a huge impact on your lifestyle right away. However, as time goes by, you’ll be able to find even more options that could greatly reduce the amount of waste you create.
The Reef-World Foundation has been selected for The Escape 100, a well-known campaign highlighting the top purpose-led companies to ‘escape to’ in 2022!
Not long ago, design, creativity and communications weren't considered essentials for conservation organisations and movements. Nowadays, it is valuable for an organisation to have a communications and design team. Read on to learn the importance of design in conservation.
Reef-World’s initiative Green Fins gets a rebrand! The rebranding of the Green Fins initiative represents its global reach and evolution for the past 18 years.
The Green Fins Dive Guide e-Course is a free online course for dive professionals that was designed and launched by Reef-World in 2019. The course was created to give individuals the knowledge and power to enforce Green Fins' environmentally friendly diving practices without having to be affiliated with a dive centre that is a Green Fins Member. Read on to learn more about the e-course.
Pirates of Solana mentioned their intention to mint and sell the Solana blockchain and donate $50,000 to The Reef-World Foundation after the sale ended. Reef-World were not contacted prior to this statement nor did the charity receive any donation from Pirates of Solana.
It’s 2022! But it’s not too late for our Director, Chloe to reflect on 2021 as we all transit into the new year together.
Super Typhoon Rai (Odette) hit the Philippines with very little warning. However, our teammates in the Philippines are safe and sound, a lucky reprieve as several surrounding towns and cities were devastated.
Reef-World’s annual report reveals that the charity continues to prioritise coral reef health moving forward
Team profile: Meet Emma, Reef-World’s new Programmes Officer.
Applicants for jobs rarely receive personal feedback, especially if they don’t make it to the interview. Coupled with a lack of work experience options, it leaves a dead zone where people cannot learn how to write successful job applications. A simple solution is to write general feedback to all applicants. Read on for tips and tricks on marine conservation job applications.
Green Fins Dominican Republic aims to maintain this valuable ecosystem for the benefit of the local community, visitors and future generations.