We’d like to thank Donald Giddings, founder and editor in chief at Green Living Zone, for this guest blog post about different ways people can get involved in marine conservation:

Many people are passionate about marine life. Marine animals and plants are an important part of our world, so it is vital to take the proper steps to ensure these living beings are cared for. Learning the different ways to get involved in marine conservation can help ensure the safety of wildlife and their environment.

Whether you are wanting to volunteer yourself or raise awareness, there are many great ways to get involved in marine conservation. No matter your age, there are different opportunities to get involved. Marine life is a passion that many people care about. 

Join Volunteer Programmes

Image provided by Green Living Zone

Image provided by Green Living Zone

Fortunately, there are many great volunteer programmes that work towards conserving and protecting marine life. Depending on the programme, you may be able to volunteer with your whole family, which is a great way to bond and learn about marine life.

Volunteering can include environmental monitoring, wildlife monitoring, and sea turtle head-starting. Each of these programmes will offer unique opportunities to help marine life. They are great ways to get hands-on involved in helping marine life out.

Environmental Monitoring 

Environmental monitoring works to find any contaminants in the water and coasts that may be harmful to plant and animal life. Volunteers will work to remove any harmful objects, such as plastic, on the land, or in the water. 

Environmental monitoring will also consist of beach cleaning and removing trash and oil from the water. There are different volunteer programmes you can partake in to help clean up the land and water to help the ecosystem.

Image provided by Green Living Zone

Image provided by Green Living Zone

Wildlife Monitoring 

Wildlife monitoring focuses on protecting animals and plants in their natural habitat. In wildlife monitoring, endangered species such as coral are photographed and closely monitored in order to track their behaviours and changes. Taking photographs of different marine wildlife can help scientists track different species and see how they are doing in the wild.

There are programmes across America, and around the world, where you can work to help protect and help wildlife in need. They even offer internships as well, which is great for college-age kids. You can always ask a local non-profit or dive center if they offer wildlife monitoring programs in your area for marine life.

Image provided by Green Living Zone

Image provided by Green Living Zone

Sea Turtle Headstarting

Sea turtles are truly amazing animals. Out of all the seven species of sea turtles around the world, each one is considered endangered. Sea turtle headstarting volunteering works to help protect and preserve sea turtles from birth so they can flourish. 

From birth, sea turtles face many disadvantages such as predators, vehicles, poachers, pollution, and habitat destruction. In the wild, only one in around every 1,000 sea turtles born will make it to adulthood. Headstarting helps raise hatchlings in a safe, natural environment to help increase their chance of survival. 

Once released to the wild, the turtles are healthy and strong, which gives them a great headstart to life. Headstarting programs are located in different areas across the country where turtles are native to, with many offering great volunteer programs.

Be Interested and Learn More About the Issue

One of the best and easiest ways to get involved in marine conservation is to gain more interest in the topic and learn more about it. There are several great resources available to learn more about marine life and conservation. 

There are some great institutes and societies where you can learn all about marine conservation and why it is important. You are never too young or too old to learn about the topic of marine conservation. 

Share Information

Once you learn about the marine conversation, sharing information is a great way to raise awareness. You can share information with people you know as well as with scientists, wildlife rescues, and other volunteers. 

Manta Matcher is a great way to share information on mantas you see. Once you see a manta, you can take a photo of it and submit it on the website to researchers so they can help track and research mantas. You can also submit your photos and encounters of whale sharks to help researchers out in tracking these majestic animals.

Another great option for sharing wildlife findings is iNaturalist, where you can submit your recordings and photos of your encounters with nature. Reef-World’s Green Fins initiative also has lots of resources to help promote sustainable diving and snorkelling (which protects coral and other marine life) as well as a wonderful membership programme to help dive and snorkel operators improve their sustainability. 

Making a Difference

No matter who you are, you can participate in marine conservation. Volunteering is one of the most beneficial ways to help marine wildlife and the environment they live in. Learning more about the issue and sharing your findings is also great for conservation efforts.

Whether you join reef and beach cleanups, volunteer programs, or work hard on sharing your learnings and findings, there are many wonderful ways to get active in marine conservation. It is important we do our part to help marine life.

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Donald Giddings is founder and editor in chief at Green Living Zone. A lifelong sustainability enthusiast, Donald is always looking for the best way to live in harmony with nature.  When he is not trying out new eco-friendly recipes, he writes engaging content about green, sustainable ways to maintain your home, body, and soul, readily sharing his abundant experience with other green living aficionados.