
Name: Julia Thomas


Ju / Jules / JT

Where are you from?

I’m from Bedfordshire originally but now live in south London

What are you best known for?

I’m known for having fun and not taking life too seriously. Also for my organisation - I’m always the one who plans the holidays and events!

What’s your background?

I studied Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies at Cardiff University and went on to work in travel and tourism PR, which I have been doing for the last four years. My clients have included tourism boards, hotels and travel brands.


What inspired you to volunteer to support Reef-World and why do you care about marine conservation?

I love the work that Reef-World does; the team are so passionate and their implementation of the UN Environment Programme’s Green Fins initiative makes a real difference to coral reefs around the world. I’ve always had a keen interest in the environment and feel it’s so important to protect and preserve it, especially our oceans.

What type of tasks will you be helping with while volunteering for Reef-World?

I’m researching and creating social media posts and blog content.

Outside work, what are your hobbies/favourite pastimes?

I love to cook and experiment with new recipes. I cook a lot of Asian food, like Thai curries and ramen. I also enjoy running and reading; at the moment, I’m reading Louis Theoroux’s autobiography.

What’s your favourite marine animal and why?

Turtles are probably my favourite, they are so graceful! They also seem very chilled - I think Finding Nemo gave me that impression… 

What marine animal are you most like and why?

I like to think I’m like a sea otter - inquisitive and sociable!

Do you have a memorable snorkelling experience you can tell us about?

Two years ago I went snorkelling in Ilha Grande, Brazil. It is probably the most beautiful place I’ve ever been. The water was really clear so we could see loads of fish and coral colonies.

& one ocean destination still on your bucket list?

Definitely the Great Barrier Reef!

Do you have any plans to try scuba diving one day?

Scuba diving is definitely high up on my list of things to try. I love being in water and there’s something about diving which seems so calm and peaceful.

Star sign and how you express it

Leo - confident, passionate and enthusiastic - I’d say I’m pretty true to my sign!

If you could have one superpower, what would you choose and why?

Teleportation so I can travel all over the world with ease.

What’s the strangest injury you’ve ever had?

I fell when mountain biking in Peru and had a huge bruise on my leg. It covered my whole thigh and was so many different colours - it looked like a galaxy!

Tell us something most people wouldn’t know about you?

I’m scared of horses. It comes as a surprise because I’m a huge animal lover but there’s something about horses which I really don’t like...