Name: Naomi

Where are you from / Where do you call home?

I grew up in Birmingham, UK and now live in Bristol, UK

What are you best known for? If we asked your friends about you, what would they say? 

Being organised, relied upon to provoke a big belly laugh, happiest outside either in a wetsuit or with my black lab by my side.  Feisty and determined!

What’s your background?

I studied Environmental Biology and then an MSc in Conservation Biology.  I spent some time in the field working on a carnivore conservation project in Namibia before returning to the UK.  I then spent time in the conservation programmes team at the Zoological Society of London before settling in Bristol.  Here I have worked for a small livelihoods development charity and then a sustainable tourism charity overseeing projects in Turkey and Cyprus.  Then I moved to Bristol Zoological Society where I spent eight years in their fundraising team.   

What inspired you to get into marine conservation?

I am inspired by all conservation but I love learning new things and after working mainly in terrestrial conservation, I was attracted to the idea of a whole new ecosystem to learn about! I also love being on the coast and so jumped at the chance to be involved in helping to protect the marine environment.

What brought you to Reef-World & why do you care about the work we do? Reef-World bases its work on science which is important to me.  It also works closely with in-country teams and is intrinsically international.  It also offers really practical and tangible solutions to conservation problems which I love.

What’s your role at Reef-World and what does that look like?

My role is Development Manager - a new role for the organisation.  I am responsible for generating much needed income through donor development and partnership management.  

What do you enjoy the most about your role? 

It’s still early days, but I am excited to be able to be really creative and have the freedom to build a strategy and plan for developing new partnerships and sources of funding for such an amazing cause.  I am also looking forward to learning more about marine conservation and being part of a growing, dynamic organisation.  

What one piece of advice would you give to someone wanting to get into the marine conservation sector? 

Try to be as connected as you can with people already working in the sector.  You may have to do some volunteering to build up some experience.  Don’t give up and stay focused.  

Outside work, what are your hobbies/favourite pastimes?

I love walking my dog, Olive and keeping fit - going to the gym and any dance class that’s going (although maybe not line dancing!).  I also love reading and am always on the lookout for a good book recommendation.

What’s your favourite marine animal and why?

I love nudibranchs.  Their variety of colours and shapes is absolutely out of this world.  Also a Reef-World Facebook post introduced me to sea bunnies, a type of nudibranch, as cute as any furry mammal!

What marine animal are you most like and why? 

Probably a seal.  Very inquisitive and possibly a bit nosey, likes hanging out in groups and being sociable but also likes the freedom to wander off on its own.

When and where did you qualify as a diver? What made you want to try scuba? 

Unusually for Reef-World, I am not a qualified diver!  However, I love snorkelling and anything to do with the ocean in it or on it!

Tell us about your most memorable water experience…

I was lucky enough to snorkel on the Great Barrier Reef and remember one of the first things I saw was a giant clam I honestly didn’t think it was real.

& one destination still on your bucket list? 

I would love to swim with manatees and I know that there are places such as Costa Rica where you can do it responsibly.

Star sign and how you express it: 

Sagittarius. It’s pretty accurate - I am pretty easygoing, definitely strong-willed and independent.  I love to travel and expand my horizons and I love collecting things from wherever I have been. I am always honest but do sometimes need to remember to be tactful!

If you could have one superpower, what would you choose and why? 

I’d like to be able to control the weather - have cold snowy days or sunny days whenever I wanted.  Although that would play havoc with the planet!

What’s the strangest injury you’ve ever had? 

 I haven’t really had any strange injuries as such but I did once break my toe getting out of the bath.

Tell us something most people wouldn’t know about you? 

I have trypophobia - Google it!