The coronavirus pandemic has changed plans and caused uncertainty across the dive industry: not least when it comes to sustainability. So, what now for green tourism? The Reef-World Foundation - the international coordinator of Green Fins - led another successful sustainable diving event to discuss just that at the first ever Scuba.Digital virtual dive show. 

The event was hosted by Reef-World Director Chloe Harvey and UNEP’s Natalie Harms. They were joined by a panel of sustainability leaders from around the world, some of whom braved a very early morning or late night to be able to present to our global audience. A big thanks to PADI, Explorer Ventures Liveaboard Fleet, Paralenz, ZuBlu, Bubbles Dive Centre and Scuba.Digital for joining us at the show. Together, they discussed the unexpected environmental challenges caused by the pandemic, how sustainability leaders are overcoming those obstacles and the simple changes that can be made to protect coral reefs for future generations. 

Reef-World & Green Fins Spotlight for Scuba.Digital: The #1 Online Dive Show

Sustainable diving during a global pandemic: the context 

Before the COVID-19 pandemic sustainable, travel was becoming increasingly in demand. Initial research has shown that, once travel is again possible with some regularity, sustainability will be even more on the minds of divers and snorkellers while they plan their next trip. We will all be thinking very carefully about the health and safety policies offered by the operators we choose and valuing sustainability and the environment will be a good indicator for this.

There’s a collective move within the industry to endeavour to make the restart of tourism much greener. To do this we must collaborate. It is not possible alone. And as consumers we play a huge role in this; every time we purchase something we vote for the ethics of the brand behind our purchase.

Having said that, a recent survey conducted by our wonderful panellist – the online booking platform ZuBlu – shows that, while 84% of you identify as eco-conscious divers, 92% of you want to become even more eco-conscious. What’s more, 74% find it difficult to find operators and centres whose environmental values align with your own.

This discussion is aimed to give you some useful tips and tricks to help you book your next trip, or buy your next piece of equipment, as an ocean-conscious consumer. How to avoid that awkward moment when your dive guide reaches into their pocket and produces some bread to feed to the fish or you notice that your dive centre is dumping their chemical waste right onto the beloved house reef. As international coordinator of Green Fins – an initiative which empowers the diving industry to shift towards more environmentally friendly practices – Reef-World is delighted to be hosting this session with some of the industry’s sustainability leaders. 

This pandemic has shown us, once again, that the health of our planet is so closely linked to our health and to our way of life. This is particularly true for the dive industry which depends so much on healthy and beautiful coral reefs and ecosystems.

It's important to remember that this crisis has no silver lining for nature. This is not the time to lean back. It’s the time to lead the fight. So it's up to all of us to turn this crisis into an opportunity. We must use this downtime to build back better and leapfrog to a greener recovery. We can do this by shifting to greener operations, using fewer single-use items, moving away from harmful chemical cleaning agents and empowering divers to respect and protect the coral reefs we love so much. There may be challenges along the way but we’re all in this together. So, make sure your next vote is one for our oceans so we can continue to enjoy incredible encounters and natural experiences underwater for years to come.

So, excuse the pun and let’s dive into our panel interview….